Authors have to increasingly pick up the slack.

Authors have to increasingly pick up the slack.
A quick post about the death of a legend.
Thanks to AI, it’s never been easier to write a book, but churning out a good one still requires more than entering a series of prompts.
An encounter at the gym a few years ago offers a valuable lesson for impressionable scribes.
Tired of scrambling to answer simple questions about guest posts, interviews, and articles? Enter a neat Notion template.
Just because you can circumvent traditional publishers and write that book doesn’t mean you should.
A simple litmus test on whether your book’s focus was sufficiently specific.
A short post on the promise and peril of each interaction.
Authors have to increasingly pick up the slack.
A quick post about the death of a legend.
Thanks to AI, it’s never been easier to write a book, but churning out a good one still requires more than entering a series of prompts.
An encounter at the gym a few years ago offers a valuable lesson for impressionable scribes.
Tired of scrambling to answer simple questions about guest posts, interviews, and articles? Enter a neat Notion template.
Just because you can circumvent traditional publishers and write that book doesn’t mean you should.
A simple litmus test on whether your book’s focus was sufficiently specific.
A short post on the promise and peril of each interaction.