A Note to Former Scribe Media Clients

Your publishing partner just shut its doors. What to do?
Jun | 7 | 2023
  Jun | 7 | 2023
BY Phil Simon
  Phil Simon

A Note to Former Scribe Media Clients

Your publishing partner just shut its doors. What to do?
Phil Simon
Jun | 7 | 2023

A Note to Former Scribe Media Clients

Your publishing partner just shut its doors. What to do?
Phil Simon
Jun | 7 | 2023

A week ago, hybrid publisher Scribe Media abruptly closed operations. I can only imagine the frustration of the company’s former employees, contractors, and clients. Writing a quality book is hard enough. Finding a new service provider midstream only adds to the complexity.

If Racket can help, fill out this form. Our team of experienced professionals can get your project back on track.

Best and good luck on resuming your writing projects.

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