New Racket Title Coming

Reimagining Payments arrives later this year.
Mar | 5 | 2023
  Mar | 5 | 2023
BY Phil Simon
  Phil Simon

New Racket Title Coming

Reimagining Payments arrives later this year.
Phil Simon
Mar | 5 | 2023

New Racket Title Coming

Reimagining Payments arrives later this year.
Phil Simon
Mar | 5 | 2023

H is some news on the fourth Racket release.

At the end of 2021, cryptocurrencies were all the rage. Enthusiasts on both Wall Street and Main Street were downright giddy. Less than a year later, however, the landscape couldn’t have been more different. A number of crypto projects and companies imploded. At the same time, asset values and trading volumes plummeted. The cataclysmic events and crypto winter served as catnip for crypto naysayers in the business community—and an excuse to dismiss digital currencies outright.

Although understandable, this mindset is ultimately misguided. Despite recent challenges, digital currencies are already serving important purposes, particularly when it comes to payments. What’s more, ignoring their massive benefits is downright irresponsible for any profit-seeking enterprise.

So what are the benefits? And how can organizations start to pay with or accept digital currencies? What risks should they be aware of and what mistakes should they avoid?

In Reimagining Payments: The Business Case for Digital Currencies, prominent cryptocurrency attorney and expert Michelle Ann Gitlitz answers these questions in spades.

Brimming with rich case studies, examples, analysis, and synthesis, Gitlitz adeptly demonstrates how digital currencies allow firms to:

  • Reach new consumer bases.
  • Provide consumers with additional payment choices.
  • Reduce the cost and friction of conducting transactions.
  • And more.

Brass tacks: Organizations cannot realize the manifold benefits of digital currency payments until business leaders truly understand their utility.

The book will arrive in the fall of 2023.

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